Writing class is going great. I started up in September and have been going strong since. We meet weekly on Monday evenings. I submit 10 pages or so and we critique. This is so much better than me discovering my problems on my own. If you get the chance, I highly recommend you sit in a weekly class and critique your work. Even if it's just with a few other writers. The main thing I've discovered is that my characters have no life to them. I really need to discover their wants and desires and pull that out in the dialog and their thoughts. It's fairly clear what it lacks when my pieces are read out loud. The hard part is re-writing it and coming up with something of substance.
I'll keep working at it. I consider this first book one type of apprenticeship. Maybe later, I can pair up with another accomplished writer and further ingrain my training.
I was briefly considering doing NaNoWriMo this year. I did it last year. However, I want to concentrate on this novel and get it finished up before doing anything else. I need to finish something rather than start 10 things. I already have last year's NaNoWriMo project sitting on my computer waiting to be edited. I don't think coming up with content is the hard part for me. It's editing and coming up with quality content. That's what I'm working on now.
I'll keep working at it. I consider this first book one type of apprenticeship. Maybe later, I can pair up with another accomplished writer and further ingrain my training.
I was briefly considering doing NaNoWriMo this year. I did it last year. However, I want to concentrate on this novel and get it finished up before doing anything else. I need to finish something rather than start 10 things. I already have last year's NaNoWriMo project sitting on my computer waiting to be edited. I don't think coming up with content is the hard part for me. It's editing and coming up with quality content. That's what I'm working on now.